WE need your support!

Christian Cheerleaders of America, is a non-profit (501-C-3) sports mission ministry that uses the vehicle of cheerleading to evangelize and disciple young people throughout the US and the world. We draw our campers by using the continuously-growing sport of cheerleading. We teach cheerleaders state-of-the-art cheer skills and have a staff of talented professionals. The first qualification for staff instructors is that they are committed, mission-minded Christian young adults. We have a Bible theme and conduct a Bible Study and devotional services with an altar call daily. Our staff counsel’s one-on-one with campers in all areas of life, often regarding drug or other substance abuse as well as physical, sexual, emotional abuse, family problems and multiple life situations. They are trained to direct the campers using scripture and God’s leadership in decision-making and challenges of life. Our ministry has been bringing young people to the Lord through salvation and then guiding them in following God’s leadership in their lives. During the past 31 years we have seen thousands of young people come to follow Jesus as their personal Savior and more than 30,000 make other decisions such as rededication, total surrender of their lives to the Lord, and calls to special full-time Christian service. We praise the Lord and give Him glory for all of this.
This introduction to our ministry is provided to let you know what we will be doing Sept 9-20, 2020, as we have done for the past 24 years, we will be conducting a mission trip. We will be ministering through cheer camps, school chapel services for elementary and high schools in at least 3 different locations, AWANA meetings for about 250 kids, mission presentations to churches, as well as 3-5 services for homeless families (children and adults), partnering with a church there to provide clothing, food, tarps, toiletries, backpacks, etc. Previously one homeless community we served had 300 people, including 60 that were less than 6 months old. The need is great and real! We ministered to more than 800 people during our trip in 2019 and 79 people came to know Jesus with scores of others making rededication’s and other decisions.
This trip is to Hawaii, to continue our ministry in what we feel is the greatest mission field today, the youth of America. You may wonder why Hawaii. We never knew the need ourselves until God opened the door through a teacher who asked CCA to come help her school and church 30 years ago. We had no idea of the need. Over these years our ministry there has greatly expanded and extended to prayer and year-round connection.
Do you want to join us on our Mission? Please contact us at information@cheercca.com